Clinically Tested

 The Fertilejoy Pregnancy Booster helps couples conceive naturally. It is made with medical-grade silicone and contains no hormones. It can be easily inserted after intercourse to bring sperm as close as possible to the cervix and increase the chances of conception.

The Pregnancy Booster has been clinically tested and has been shown to increase the chances of conception

In a clinical study with 85 couples, those who used the Fertilejoy Booster for 3 months had a higher chance of conceiving a child.
201 users of the Pregnancy Boosters were surveyed about their experience through an independent questionnaire. 89% of the participants were overall satisfied, 86% found the Boosters easy to use, and 88% considered it comfortable to wear. Users rated an average of 4.4 stars out of 5.

Cervical caps and cups are often used to enhance and support fertility. The primary goal of these devices is to bring ejaculate as close to the cervix as possible to increase the number of sperm penetrating cervical mucus and optimize fertilization. Conception cups have been shown to increase the number of sperm penetrating cervical mucus by over 300%.
A higher concentration of sperm in cervical mucus has a positive effect on the likelihood of conception.

Couples with a high sperm penetration rate into the cervix have a significantly higher success rate for conceiving within 6 months than couples with a low penetration rate (29.1% vs. 2.3%).

Even in couples with normal-quality male sperm, there were clearly more pregnancies recorded when penetration into the cervical mucus was good.

The Pregnancy Booster combines the usual benefits of cups placed on the cervix with ease of use and comfort to help couples have greater control over their fertility. The Pregnancy Booster does not interfere with any natural fertilization process.

Learn more about the scientific context of the safety and efficacy in the publication of clinical results in the Journal for Pregnancy and Newborn Care.